Game Winning Catch: (Secret Baby Sports Romance (Pass To Win #5) Page 5
I couldn’t tell him how heartbroken I was, so I just played it cool.
No problem. Good luck on your tryout. I’ll see you later.
When I got home, I told my dad that I needed to go up to my room to study for my next tests. What he didn’t know was that I needed to be alone for a while. After trying so hard to keep it together, I let my guard down, and allowed the tears to leave my eyes and drip down onto my pillow.
The next couple of weeks were tough. Not only did I have to finish up my college career, but I was really missing Chris. We hadn’t spoken except for saying hi, and asking how things were going. We were both busy and there was no time for long talks.
The one good thing about Chris being away was that I had extra time to study, when I managed to stop thinking about him. The rest of the finals went much better than my first, and I actually woke up in time for all of them.
With Chris gone, my dad seemed to be happier. When I went out with friends, he stopped asking questions about where I was going and when I’d be home. He just seemed generally cheerier around me and wanted to give me tips and advice for applying for jobs.
The week after graduation, I applied for all of the front office professional sports jobs in the entire city. I even had a few interviews lined up. I made a point to apply for all open jobs with the Tigers, even though I was probably a little too inexperienced to work with such a big franchise. Still, in the event that Chris came back, I thought it would be cool to work close to him.
I wanted to give Chris his space, especially since we weren’t dating or anything, but my curiosity got the best of me. Almost every day, I would scour the tabloids for his name, to see where he was photographed and with whom. The only things I ever found were scouting reports that mentioned that certain teams were in talks to meet with him.
I also saw a few posts on different social media accounts with his picture. Some were with fans; others were with other football players. It looked like he had visited a few bars, but I didn’t see anything crazy.
I remembered that he was only planning on staying in Washington for a couple weeks, so I thought I’d check in on him and ask how it was going.
Practices went pretty well, I think, he typed. How was graduation?
Pretty low-key, just the way I like it. So, where are you headed next?
What are you doing tonight? he sent back almost immediately. Maybe he didn’t read my question first. That was the downfall of text messaging. The flow of conversation was always disrupted.
I think I’m just going to hang out here. You?
Want to reconsider your plans? I’m about to get on a flight to L.A. I’ll be there in a few hours.
I had to reread that message a few times before it stuck.
Did the team call? My heart was racing.
Yup. We’re going to try to negotiate a contract on Monday. If all goes well, I’ll pack up and move to the city.
My hands were shaking so bad that I could barely respond. I couldn’t believe it! Chris and I actually might have a shot at making this relationship—or whatever is was—work.
How are we going to celebrate? I asked.
I’ll pick you up at ten. Wear something sexy. We’re going to the club.
I was so surprised that I could hardly even process what was happening. Not only was I going to hang out with Chris, but he was potentially moving here.
I hoped that the real thing would live up to the expectations I’d created in my head. The last few weeks, I was constantly daydreaming about him. I pictured us kissing, and snuggled up on the couch watching TV. I imagined us going out to bars with his teammates and being introduced as his girlfriend. I even thought about what we would do when we were alone in the privacy of his bedroom.
That thought made me nervous. I was worried that he would find me so laughably inexperienced in all things sexual that he would ditch me in an instant. I wanted to please him, but I wasn’t exactly sure how. I wanted him to touch me in ways that no man has ever touched me before. I wanted to be a good lover for him.
But there was no time like the present for learning these things. I figured that I would just have to wait and see what happened. I shut my computer, saving the job search for tomorrow, and went to my closet to find the perfect welcome home outfit to wear for Chris.
The second I got off the plane, I got the nicest rental car the airport offered and made my way to the hotel to get ready for my night with Natalie. I knew it was silly, but I wanted to impress her. I was a little nervous to see her again. We had only been apart for a few weeks, but we had barely spoken in that time. I had been too busy with meetings and she had been worried about her finals. I hoped that we would be able to pick up where we left off.
It hadn’t been easy staying away from other women when I’d gone to the bars in Washington. Gorgeous women always seemed to flock around athletes, and I was no exception. But, whenever a girl would try to chat me up, Natalie always popped into my head, and whatever temptation I felt would disappear.
My flight had arrived late, so I rushed to shower and get dressed. I put on a pair of khaki slacks and a short sleeved button down shirt. I usually didn’t put a lot of care into my outfits, but tonight I wanted to look especially nice. I even dried my hair with the hotel’s tiny hair dryer.
Before I rushed out the door, I took a minute to straighten up the small mess I had already created in my room. I didn’t know if Natalie would want to come back with me, but I wanted to have that option. I hopped back in the Mercedes, breathing in the new car scent, and parked in our usual meeting spot, a block away from her house.
I saw her tiptoe around the corner and run toward my car. She had a massive smile on her face.
“Hey,” she said, out of breath. “How was your flight?”
She looked incredible. Her short skirt and tight, low cut top were already driving me wild. I couldn’t wait to touch her.
“Not bad,” I said, trying to play it cool. “Did you make it out of the house without incident?”
“Yeah, my dad was already asleep. As long as I can make it back home without him noticing, I’m in the clear.”
“You’ve got to get your own place,” I said.
“I know,” she groaned. “Hopefully that happens soon.”
“Any luck with the job search?” I asked, hopeful.
“I have a few interviews lined up for next week, so we’ll see.”
“You’ll do great,” I said.
“What about your new gig?” she exclaimed. “I feel like I haven’t had the chance to properly congratulate you.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty excited to be offered a spot. If the money is right, I’ll move right away.”
I wanted to say something about our future, but it seemed a little premature. That talk could wait.
“This is it,” I said, pulling into a parking lot beside a brick building.
“This place looks fancy,” she noted.
“I’ve heard it’s a favorite for a lot of celebrities in the area. Are you going to talk to people, or will you chicken out again?” I teased.
She rolled her eyes at me. “Let’s go.” Natalie grabbed my arm, and we walked into the club together.
I saw a bright flash from around the corner and wondered if there was someone famous around that the paparazzi was interested in. I loved my job and all of the connections that came with it.
By the time we arrived, the club was in full force. The bouncer took one look at me and waved us in. I guess word travels fast. With a few signatures on a piece of paper, this could be my new life.
I escorted Natalie to the back of the club where the rest of the guys were. Within seconds, we had drinks in our hands. Natalie looked a little unsure of herself, while I was chugging mine down.
“It’s okay to drink it,” I said. “You’re a college graduate, let loose every once in a while.”
She cracked a small smile. “Aren’t you supposed to stop binge drinking once you’r
e out of school?”
“Nah,” I said, waving my hand. “It’s not sad until the people who used to cheer you on give you looks of pity. I think we’re good for a few more years to come.”
“If you say so,” she said, taking a sip.
“You don’t relax much, do you?”
“What makes you say that?” she squealed. “Do you think I’m uptight?”
“No, I think you’re always so in control that you forget to have fun.”
“You really think so?” she asked.
“I don’t know. Prove me otherwise,” I challenged.
She looked me dead in the eye, smirked, and knocked back the rest of her drink. “I don’t know why I go out with you,” she said. “You’re the worst influence.”
“That may be,” I replied. “Let’s have some fun though, shall we?”
For someone who didn’t party much, Natalie looked like she was having a lot of fun. I got to introduce her to some guys that I played college ball with, and I could tell that they loved her. I was starting to see myself as someone who could make a relationship work. It would take a lot of work to break me of my bad habits, but I think if anyone could, it would be Natalie.
“I’m tired of talking,” I said, after introducing myself to countless people at the club. “Let’s go dance.”
“Okay,” Natalie agreed, finishing her drink.
I grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor. It was dark, except for the flashes of light from the strobes, and streaks of different colors. It was packed with bodies, but I felt like we were the only two people in the room.
I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close. I could feel her press her butt up against me as she swayed to the beat. It was the closest I had been to any woman in weeks, and it was more intoxicating than the bottle service. As we danced, my hands found their way down to her hips and thighs, and she didn’t even flinch. I wondered if she was feeling me as much as I was feeling her.
I wanted her so badly, but I didn’t know how to tell her. I was definitely more experienced in the bedroom and sex was hardly a big deal for me. I hadn’t really been with many women who were virgins. I felt like if I asked her to stay the night with me, that I would be corrupting her.
We couldn’t really have this discussion on the dance floor. It was way too loud to say more than a few words. All I knew is that when our bodies were close together, it just felt right.
“Do you want to get out of here?” I shouted over the music. It was a little before two o’clock, and I wanted to leave before the party started to cool down.
She nodded, giving me a sly grin. She wrapped her arm around mine, pulling herself in close so we wouldn’t get separated in the crowd. Her head rested on my bicep as we made our way outside the club.
“What now?” I asked as we walked to the parking lot. I think the dancing had worked all of the booze out of my system, because I felt completely sober.
“What time do you have to be at the office tomorrow?” she asked, looping her fingers through mine.
“Not until ten. The night is young. Let’s go somewhere.”
“Well, I’m guessing your house is out of the question, yes?”
“Probably. It would be a disaster if my dad woke up and caught us together.”
“How about my place?”
“Your hotel room?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Is that okay?” I was afraid that I had scared her off for good.
“Let’s go back to your place,” she said with certainty. I couldn’t stop from smiling.
When we got back to my hotel room, Natalie immediately got into bed. I kicked off my shoes, turned on the TV, and joined her. We sat on the bed, my arm around her shoulders, just flipping through channels.
“I’m hungry,” I announced, opening the mini bar to search for a snack.
“Aren’t those things ridiculously expensive?” she asked.
“Yeah, but the team is paying for my stay tonight. They can factor that into my contract.”
She giggled. “Fine. Toss me a Coke and the little bottle of rum.”
I obliged, and cracked a whisky open for myself. I tossed it in a glass with a couple of ice cubes.
“I’m going to see what the vending machine has for snacks. Do you want anything?”
“Surprise me,” she said.
I deliberated over the selection for a while before I just decided to get anything that sounded good. I returned, arms full of snacks. She had already downed her drink.
“Give me a chance to catch up,” I said, tossing her a box of cookies.
I returned to my place in bed, cuddling up next to Natalie. I leaned closer to her, the combination of her shampoo and perfume was irresistible.
One moment, she was watching TV, and the next, I noticed that she was staring straight at me.
“What?” I asked. She was adorable when she was tipsy.
“I want to kiss you,” she blurted out.
“Then do it,” I replied.
She came at me with more force than I was expecting, knocking me backwards. I regained my balance, holding her head in my hands. I parted my lips, inviting her tongue in. Her lips tasted sweet, like a tropical drink. I couldn’t get enough.
“I have to tell you something,” I said, once we broke apart. “After I sign the contract tomorrow, I have to go on a team retreat.”
“For how long?” she asked, running a hand down my chest.
“It’s for a few weeks in the mountains. Coach wants all of the new guys to attend. Team building stuff, you know?”
“So we won’t be able to talk for a while. I just wanted to make sure that you knew what I was up to.”
What I wanted to say, was that I wanted to make sure that she would be okay if I left again. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t want to leave her again, even if it was for a short amount of time. The timing wasn’t right though.
“We can hang out tomorrow morning,” I said. “We’re leaving after I sign, so we can have a nice breakfast in bed tomorrow. I mean—”
“Breakfast in bed?” she asked, a devilish smile on her face. “I don’t remember saying that I was going to stay the night.”
“Oh, sorry, I just thought—”
“Now that I think about it,” she continued. “That does sound nice. Besides, we’re both going to be really busy before long, and who knows if we’re going to be able to hang out. We should make the best of the time we have together.”
“And how are we going to do that?” I asked.
She rested a hand on my upper thigh. “I think I have a few ideas.”
The whole night, I was wondering if I’d end up getting physical with Chris. The thought of it made me feel anxious, but excited. Before I left the house, I told myself to wait and see what happened. If I wasn’t feeling it, I could always go home and hang out with him another time. If I was feeling it, I could just see where the night took us.
In his plushy hotel bed, slightly drunk, and extremely aroused, I knew it was time.
We made out, dipping lower under the covers, until we were both laying flat. I loved the way he pulled me toward him, like he needed to be closer to me. It felt really good to be wanted, especially by the right guy.
I slid my hand toward his inner thigh and I felt his pants tighten. I rolled over on to him, feeling the pressure between him and my pelvis. He grabbed my butt with both hands, squeezing for a moment.
I wanted to feel my skin against his. He pressed his hips against mine, and I wanted to know what it felt like to have nothing between our bodies.
Before I could make a move, he slid his hand up my shirt, taking a breast in his hand. I pulled my top over my head, and he pulled his shirt off in response. His fingertips on my naked back made me shiver with anticipation.
Worried that he was getting bored with just making out, I rubbed my hand on the outsi
de of his pants.
He stifled a giggle. “Most girls take off a guy’s pants before doing that.”
“I know!” I said defiantly. “I’ve touched a penis before, believe it or not!” I could feel my face getting red.
“I’m just kidding,” he said. “Relax. Let me do the work.”
He flipped me on my back and pulled my skirt off. He kissed my stomach before taking my underwear off too. I felt a little self-conscious, but I trusted that he knew what he was doing.
When I first felt his tongue on me, I kind of tensed up, but as he continued, my legs turned to jelly. I had fooled around with other guys before, but none with the skill that Chris possessed. He slid a few fingers into me, sending waves of pleasure through my body. My hands involuntarily found his forearms and clamped down. I didn’t want him to stop for anything.
My heavy breathing only prompted him to pick up his speed and pressure. I was experiencing sensations that I had never felt before. Before I could stop myself, a soft moan came from my parted lips as I climaxed.
He kissed my inner thigh before returning to eye level.
“How was that?” he asked.
His big, blue eyes and facial stubble made him look so rugged, yet youthful. I wanted to repay the favor, yet I yearned for more pleasure.
Without speaking, I unbuttoned his pants and slid my hands below the waistband of his boxer briefs. I wrapped my hand around him, feeling him pulse. I wanted to feel that inside of me.
He kicked his pants down to the bottom of the bed and rolled over to grab something from his bag next to the bed.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked, pulling out a condom from his bag.
“Just fuck me, already,” I exclaimed, pulling him back onto the bed.
He raised his eyebrows, probably surprised at my reaction. Chris awoke something within me, a need that I hadn’t realized until getting into bed with him.
He entered me, slowly and gently, kissing my neck as he glided in. It felt incredible, like we had reached a whole new level of intimacy. I drew my legs up to his hips, allowing him to go further.