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Deadly Ink: A Dark Mafia Romance (Omerta Series Book 3) Page 5
Deadly Ink: A Dark Mafia Romance (Omerta Series Book 3) Read online
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Of course, I didn’t know this for sure. I couldn’t call her out on it because I had so few good friends as it was, and I didn’t want to lose her. Plus, I was worried that Felicity would bail on me if I accused Kara of such a ridiculous thing. No, it was best to keep my really big secrets to myself and let her have the less important stuff. She wouldn’t tell my dad about a sexual encounter. I think I was to the age where my dad wasn’t interested in hearing about it.
So, it was a little odd that Kara was so interested in Apollo in the first place. He clearly wasn’t a risk. I would never see him again and he would never look for me. I was sure of it. But, like he said, if it was meant to be, we’d appear in each other’s lives again one day.
“You never said what his name was,” Felicity called from the bathroom. “I want to look him up online.”
I tried to think of an alias for him. He was harmless and didn’t mean anything to me, but I still felt the need to protect him from my father.
“Paul,” I said after a too-long pause. It was the first thing I could think of.
“Does Paul have a last name?” Kara asked.
“I’m sure he does, but he never told it to me. I never told him my last name either. It just wasn’t that sort of thing. I can’t believe I’m explaining this to you two, of all people.”
“It appears that the mentee has succeeded the mentors. I’m proud of you Sierra,” Felicity said, slipping on a sundress.
“Thanks,” I said genuinely. It felt good to hear them be supportive of me.
“Now let’s go eat a gigantic breakfast and go home. Did you eat yet?” Felicity asked me.
“Nope,” I lied. “Let’s hit up the buffet. I bet they even have Bloody Marys, Kara.”
She whimpered as Felicity and I laughed at her. If Kara wanted to be a better spy, she would have to cut back on the drinking.
I hoped that once I went back home to my life with my parents, the memory of Apollo would fade away. I would start work, and then I’d be too busy to hang out with guys, let alone think about them. Vegas was fun, but I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation.
After Sierra left my apartment, I made a phone call to one of my prison contacts. The guy gave me names and numbers of the mob boss’s inner circle. He said that if I could get in with them, I could get in with Giorgio. It was Giorgio who fucked over my father, leading to my jail time. I knew that it took time to worm your way into an organization like that, but I was feeling restless.
It helped that my father was already a whipping boy to Giorgio. If my dad was any indication of my loyalty, then that might help my cause. I just needed enough people to vouch for me to get me in a position to finish him off.
No matter what, I didn’t want my dad to know about any of this. He didn’t want me to be involved in this stuff in the first place, and he certainly didn’t want me to start killing, even if it was the man who made our lives hell for so many years. If I finished him off, I knew that I would be making the world a better place, even if only motivated by personal reasons.
I called one of the numbers my contact gave me and explained the situation I created. I told him that I wanted to make money, but I didn’t want my dad to know I was involved. I said I would do whatever the boss needed me to do, but it had to be a secret. As it turned out, Giorgio was looking for new, young talent. I would be paid very little, but in return, I could work for Giorgio on his secret projects.
This was better news than I could have ever expected. I thought it would take months of trying to prove myself before Giorgio would even speak to me. Instead, the guy called me just a few hours after I made my proposal and asked me to come to one of his meeting places. By the end of the day, I’d be sitting face to face with Giorgio D’Angelo himself!
Giorgio had more money and more connections than the President. There was nothing he couldn’t do. I think he originally got his start in illegal betting in New York but has since moved the bulk of his business to Vegas. He could legally buy a share in one or two of the big casino chains and do a whole lot of illegal stuff to boost his profits. Plus, what better way to funnel more illegal businesses through than to make it look like the money came from a legitimate place?
My dad didn’t like to talk about his work much, but I figured out that while he did most of his work in intimidation, he also carried a lot of money around. He wasn’t one of the top accountants, but just low enough on the food chain to get busted for handling the money wrong.
It’s funny to think about, but there was once a time in my life where the gang life was extremely appealing to me. My dad’s friends all seemed so cool and tough and I wanted to be just like them. That’s even the reason why I fell in love with tattoos. Everyone I knew was strong, rich, and didn’t take shit from anybody.
As I got older, the job lost its appeal. I found out that a lot of people were getting killed for stupid reasons. Plus, this wasn’t a business where hard work could help you move up. A little trust may help you get in with the big dogs, but you’d never get the big payout in the end. Giorgio took the most, despite doing the least amount of work, and the leftovers were scattered around to everyone else in the organization. People who dedicated their lives to the job got fucked over on a regular basis. I’d rather find work on my own.
But, seeing as I was dead broke and wanted revenge, this was probably the best channel to go through. I would make enough money to flee when the time was right. Then, I could really start over, like I told Sierra I was going to in the first place. So, I wasn’t really lying to her when I told her my plans—I just hadn’t gotten to that stage of the plan yet.
I was a little nervous about what would happen when I met with Giorgio. I had never formally met him myself, but I heard a lot of unflattering stories. I knew he was a brute who didn’t care who got hurt when he was putting together a business deal.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything more than a high school diploma, so bookkeeping was probably out of the question for me. My math skills weren’t good enough to boost me to a higher level within the organization and I’d probably end up like my old man.
Unfortunately, a young, strong guy like me would probably end up being an enforcer. This means that I would have to pound a few faces in to get Giorgio whatever he wants. I wasn’t a fan of violence, but I had been in my fair share of fights. If that’s what he wanted me to do, I would do it.
All I knew was that whatever Giorgio wanted me to do, it was only undercover work. I would work hard enough to gain his trust, and then I would fuck him over like he fucked my family over. The revenge would be so sweet. Then, I’d get the hell out of town and get far away as possible. I didn’t have the specifics of the plan ready yet, but when the time came, I would be ready.
First, I would have to meet with the leader of one of the country’s biggest crime syndicates and convince him that I was an asset to the team. No big deal, right?
I didn’t have a car to drive to Giorgio’s hangout, so I found a friend of a friend that let me borrow one of his motorcycles. That was the third thing I missed while being locked up: tattoos, girls, and riding motorcycles. Everything else in life didn’t truly matter to me.
Admittedly, I was nervous about this meeting. I had guys to vouch for me, but for some reason, a nagging thought kept popping into my head. What if he knew what I was up to?
The thought was part paranoia, part realistic. He must have known that I took the fall for my father. He would either see that as great loyalty to the cause, or a reason for revenge. Also, I had never double crossed anyone before. I was still relatively young, and pretty inexperienced with this sort of thing. One mistake could get me killed.
It was hard to feel anxious while on a motorcycle with the wind whipping across my body. The ride cleared my head and reminded me that if I succeeded, it would all be worth it in the end. Even if I failed, it was all for a good cause.
r /> Giorgio’s meeting spot was about twenty minutes out of the city in a wealthy little suburb. I knew that he owned a lot of houses around the country, so this must be his hideaway when he is conducting business in Vegas. He had better sense than to let potential employees come to his house, so I met him at a fancy steakhouse in the middle of town.
“Do you have a reservation?” the snooty host asked when I entered the building, taking off my helmet.
“I’m here to meet with Mr. D’Angelo,” I replied, looking around the place. This was one of those restaurants I’d probably never be able to afford. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, the light reflecting from each faceted stone.
“Yes, sir, right this way.”
Sitting at the back of the restaurant in the center of the table was Giorgio D’Angelo. He was a large man, but what was once a muscular exterior had gone soft during his years of power. His tan skin was beginning to crease as if he had spent too many vacations on his yacht. He was clearly old school with his slicked back black hair and obnoxious amounts of gold jewelry decorating his body.
On each side of him, were two of his henchmen, both larger and younger than their boss. Just by looking at them, I could tell that they did everything Giorgio ordered them to. Plus, they had more than likely killed a few people who got in his way. Apparently, they had done something right, or they wouldn’t be sitting next to Giorgio during his meetings. Maybe I could learn from them.
When I approached the table, the men stood up to greet me. I placed my hand into their very firm handshakes, squeezing with appropriate force. They were the type to use intimidation tactics whenever possible, even in something as stupid as a handshake.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Apollo. Your father has been a very trustworthy employee of mine over the years. Can I expect the same from you?”
“Yes, Mr. D’Angelo,” I said firmly, looking him straight in the eye.
“You can call me Giorgio,” he said, flashing a few of his gold-capped teeth when he smiled.
“I’m not sure if you were told this, but I don’t want my father to know that I’m asking you for a job. He knows that there are—” I paused, searching for the right words.
“There are often risks involved, yes,” Giorgio finished for me. “I get it. I’m a parent, too, and I don’t know what I would do if my daughter was ever put in harm’s way. You can never be too careful with your own blood. But, you came at the right time. I believe I can find some work for you, and your dear old dad doesn’t have to know about it.”
“Thank you,” I said, feeling relieved.
“First, I need to ask you something. I need the full truth, understand?”
I nodded and swallowed a lump in my throat.
“I understand that you spent some time in prison for your father’s crime. I respect that, but I need to be sure that you don’t have any resentment toward the business. Feelings like that would be very bad for business, and those who cannot complete the job won’t get very far. Do you understand what I’m asking?”
I did. He was making sure I didn’t want to get revenge on him, the very thing I came there to do. Along with his question, he was placing a thinly veiled threat on the table. I understood completely.
“I was only doing the right thing by my family. If I wasn’t willing to do whatever it takes to work for you, then I don’t think I would be sitting here today.”
Giorgio nodded solemnly. “Welcome to the family, Apollo. It goes without saying, but you’re bound to our rules on secrecy now. Break our trust, and you won’t get away without punishment.”
My chest felt tight. I either had to be extremely careful with my plan, or I would certainly be murdered. That was a lot of pressure for one person.
“Now,” Giorgio said, his tone suddenly cheerful, “I think this is cause for a celebration.”
He snapped his fingers and a waiter brought over a bottle of red wine and four glasses.
“Would you like to hear your first assignment?”
“Of course.”
There’s a casino in the city that I’ve been doing business with. However, the owner of the place is deliberately disobeying my suggestions. I need you to go over there and give him a reminder that he needs my help if he wants to be successful.”
“You want me to find the owner of the casino and knock him senseless?” I said brashly.
Giorgio made a shushing noise as if I had completely misunderstood him.
“We don’t talk that way in public,” he said, stealthily looking around the restaurant. “Do whatever you need to do to send the strong message that I am on to him, and the next time he disobeys, he’s going to be very sorry.”
I understood perfectly. Find the guy, beat the crap out of him and tell him his beating was a courtesy of Giorgio D’Angelo.
“Where’s the casino? Who’s the guy?”“Excellent questions,” he said to his henchmen. “I think he’s going to fit in well around here.”
I raised my eyebrows ever so slightly. I didn’t like being talked about, right in front of my face.
“You will go to the Enticer tonight. There’s a ninety percent chance that you’ll find Frankie in the strip club. Wait around until he goes outside to smoke. Follow him outside, and have a little chat with him. Make sure no one else is around. If you need to, stake him out all night.”
One of his henchmen pulled a plain envelope out of his jacket and slid it across the table to me. I leafed through the contents. There was a photograph of a toad-like man inside, plus several hundred dollars in cash.
“That’s Frankie. Study the picture so you can find him quickly. The cash is for you. Buy yourself a drink at the bar. Do whatever you need to do to not look suspicious. If he gets spooked, he’ll run, and then we can’t talk to him, can we?”
“This is an advance for my job?” I asked to clarify.
Giorgio laughed a hearty chuckle. “No, you’ll get paid your fee after you complete the job. This is just a little petty cash to keep you from looking like you’re working. Do you have any questions about what I need you to do?”
“Very well,” Giorgio said, standing up from the table to shake my hand again. “Get in touch with one of my boys once the job is complete. Good luck.”
Without another word, I turned to leave. I felt the blood drain from my face. I suspected that Giorgio would want me to hurt someone, but I hoped he’d find something a little less violent to do.
Not wanting to drag this out any longer than it needed to be, I drove toward the casino, my stomach in knots the whole time.
Inside the building, I ordered two shots of cheap whiskey to settle my nerves. Handing over a bill to the bartender, I threw them back, the liquor burning my throat. I had become somewhat of a lightweight in jail, and the alcohol made my brain buzz.
Overall, I felt a little better with a few drinks in my system. I still didn’t want to pummel a stranger for no reason, but I felt myself loosen up to the point where I could probably convince myself to do it when the time came.
I found the strip club, and sure enough, the guy from the photo was sitting right in front of the stage. I could tell that he was a frequent visitor because the girls were swarming him. He’d grab their asses like they belonged to him. They did their best to mask this disgust of him.
Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I ordered some food and drinks from the bar and enjoyed the show. I’ll admit, getting paid to eat and drink while being ground on by hot strippers wasn’t a bad gig. I could see why guys worked for the mob.
A girl asked me if I wanted a private dance, and it took all the willpower I had to refuse. She even tried to make a deal with me, just because she thought I was cute. There was a good chance that if I paid her for a private dance, we would end up having sex in the private room. On a normal night, sure, I would go for that. But, this was work, and I couldn’t get distracted. Luckily, Frankie got up from the table and exited out a back door.
I followed him to the back parking lot, next to the dumpsters. I surveyed the scene, and it was all clear. It was time.
“Frankie Kelly,” I called to him.
“Who wants to know,” he called back in a whiny voice.
“Giorgio D’Angelo.”
He spun around a look of horror on his face.
“I’ll give him the money. Tell Giorgio I’ll give him the money,” he whined.
“That’s not good enough for Mr. D’Angelo. I was sent here to make his message clear.”
“Fuck you,” he spat at me. “You’re just some stupid kid who thinks he’s tough. You’ve probably never had a hard day of work in your life. Probably still suckle on your mom’s tit.”
Now I was genuinely mad. Who was he to talk shit about me to my face like that? No, I had no qualms about knocking him out anymore.
I swung at him and he ducked, sending me flying forward, sprawled out on the concrete. I scrambled to my feet and made contact with the side of his jaw this time. He fell to the ground and I kicked him repeatedly with my boots until he stopped yelling.
I knelt down beside him. He was still conscious, but barely.
“You made a promise to Giorgio D’Angelo. If you mess up again, things will be much worse for you, do you understand?”
He wheezed, blood trickling from his mouth.
With that, I calmly walked through the casino, trying not to look suspicious. When I had gotten ten feet out the door, I sprinted to my bike and rode to my apartment as quickly as I could.
When I got home, I splashed cold water on my face, trying to quell the nausea. I’d been in fights before, but never against people so defenseless. I felt dirty, like no amount of scrubbing the man’s blood off me could make me feel clean again.