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Game Winning Catch: (Secret Baby Sports Romance (Pass To Win #5) Page 2
Game Winning Catch: (Secret Baby Sports Romance (Pass To Win #5) Read online
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Oh, and growing up with money hadn’t hurt either. While other kids were working through high school and college, I could afford to take unpaid internships and gain valuable experience. And as lame as it sounded, after a few years of living in the dorms on campus, I moved back home to live with my dad. It wasn’t all bad though. I didn’t have to pay rent, nor live in a decaying shoebox of an apartment. I even got to throw the occasional party when my dad was away.
However, being a football star’s daughter also had its drawbacks. For as many nice guys that would recognize me and approach me, there were an equal number of creeps who wanted to use me for the tiny sliver of fame that I had. There were guys that wanted to brag about getting with Russell Boyd’s daughter, which just made me extra careful when I went out. I had to watch out for myself.
I looked at my watch. I still had one more class to go to today, a little bit of homework to finish up, and I wanted to have enough time to get ready for the party. I had been to a few of these parties before. I needed to look good to even be noticed.
If I got the timing right, I could be gone before my dad even got home to ask questions. I could just leave him a note saying I was pulling an all-nighter at the library or something. It was best if he didn’t know that I was going to a party with professional football players.
Ever since my mom died, my dad had become even more protective of me. Whenever a guy comes to take me out, he scowls and acts all intimidating. It really did nothing to help my love life. Despite wanting the opposite, I’ve basically become celibate at the age of twenty-two because my dad freaks out if I stay out too late.
I mean, if I really wanted to, I could move out of his house and not have to worry about him knowing my business. I’ve considered it, but every time I start looking at apartments, something stops me. I can’t bear the thought of leaving my father in his house, all alone. He loves me, and I’m the best thing in his life. I need to be there for my dad as long as I can, even if it means that I sacrifice some of my social life to make him happy. It’s worth it to me.
I made it back from the library around eight, and there was no sign of my dad. Excellent. I would grab a cab from the house around ten, and then be home free until the wee hours. My dad went to bed fairly early, so I could sneak back into the house if I was quiet.
Usually when I went to college house parties, I’d just throw on a pair of jeans and a cute top and call it good. I was fairly low maintenance, as far as my style went, so I’d only need about fifteen minutes to do my hair and makeup and I’d be out the door.
Tonight was one of those special occasions when it was fun to spend a little more time in front of the mirror. If I dressed in my usual college student apparel, I would stand out like a sore thumb. The girls who accompanied professional athletes were always knockouts. I should know, my mom was one of them.
I chose a tight skirt and a matching crop top that accentuated my toned muscles. I had always been thankful that I’d been blessed with good genetics. I ran a straightener through my long hair, making it extra silky. I got out my rarely-used makeup brushes and defined my hazel eyes and high cheek bones. I painted a deep burgundy onto my lips and spritzed myself once with perfume. I was feeling confident, and ready to go.
With my strappy heels in my hand, I walked downstairs to find my dad in the kitchen, making a sandwich.
“Hey, Natalie,” he called to me without turning around. “I’m making a snack. You want one?”
“No thanks,” I said, as he turned around to speak to me. His eyes opened wide when he saw me.
“Where are you going looking like that?” he asked.
“Girls’ night,” I lied.
“Really?” he questioned. “Where are you going?”
“A few bars around campus. I’m meeting Grace at that new cocktail lounge.”
“When will you be home?”
“No later than two,” I said.
He frowned. “Please be safe,” he said.
“I always am,” I replied, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Don’t wait up for me.”
“If you need a ride, just call.”
I waved my hand to show I’d heard him and slipped on my shoes. He meant well, but he could be really overbearing sometimes.
I used my phone to get an Uber. Luckily it was only a few minutes away. The club was in walking distance, but the least amount of time I could spend walking in these heels, the better.
I pulled up to the club about twenty minutes after ten. I wanted to see Chris, but I didn’t want to seem overeager. The time I spent getting ready must have paid off because the bouncer let me cut the line to get in.
Feeling nervous, I ordered a vodka tonic as I surveyed the scene, hoping I’d see Chris. I would feel really stupid if he didn’t show up until later, or not at all. Things hadn’t quite heated up at this club yet, and I saw a small group of big muscular guys make their way to the VIP section in the back. Sensing the presence of professional athletes and their glamorous friends, I followed them.
“Excuse me,” the bouncer said, as I tried to make my way around the velvet rope. “This is a private party.”
“I’m meeting someone here,” I explained.
“I’m sorry, but if you name isn’t on the list, I can’t let you in.”
I felt incredibly stupid. I got all dressed up to come to a club, just because a complete stranger showed up on my doorstep and asked me to. For all I knew, he wasn’t even here. Maybe he invited any girl he saw on the street that would talk to him.
“Hey, man,” a voice called out. “She’s with me.”
I looked over to see Chris behind the rope, his hand outstretched toward me. The bouncer gave a quick nod, and I was in.
“I’m glad you came,” Chris said, guiding me through the crowd, his hand between my shoulder blades. “You look incredible.”
“Thanks,” I said. “Is this a party for the team?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I didn’t want to come here alone, since I’m not really a part of the team yet. I know a few guys from playing over the years, so I suppose we should go socialize. It will only help my chances of getting on the team.”
“Where else have you been looking?” I asked. “It’s pretty rare to be in your position when you aren’t being told where you have to live.”
“I know. I can hardly handle all the responsibility. I thought about Denver, but it’s too cold for my taste. Las Vegas is another option because they’ll pay me really well, but it’s probably not the best fit for my lifestyle. There’s just too much going on there, you know?”
“I get what you’re saying,” I said. “I’m not much of a partier either, and I don’t really like staying out late.”
I saw a grin appear on his face and he turned his head like he was trying to hide it from me.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing. Oh, look,” he deflected. “There’s Jamarcus Wilson. Let’s go talk to him.”
We spent the next few hours just making the rounds, talking to different players. Chris kept introducing me by first and last name, so I had to answer a lot of questions about my dad. It was a little annoying, but I was used to it.
Throughout the night, Chris kept checking to see if I needed a new drink. I wasn’t a big drinker; a few glasses of wine or a couple cocktails were usually enough for me. But, since we weren’t paying for the drinks, he convinced me to take advantage of our good fortune.
So, I let him get me refills every time my glass was empty. By midnight, I was starting to feel the buzz. I kept reminding myself to slow down, but with each new drink, I would only forget again.
“Wait,” I said, clutching Chris’s wrist. “Is that Alexa Meyer?”
He looked over in the direction I was nodding.
“Oh, yeah, I think it is. Did you see her last movie? It was pretty good.”
“It was incredible. She’s just as stunning in real life,” I gushed.
“Do you want to go talk to her?” he asked.
/> “No, I better not. I don’t want to embarrass myself.”
Chris grabbed my hand and laughed. “Why not?” he said, pulling me in her direction.
“I can’t,” I squealed. I tried to pull away and just stumbled into his chest, giggling.
I remember noticing how good he smelled as I swayed on the spot.
“Ugh,” I groaned. “I never drink this much.” The room was starting to spin.
“Why don’t we get some air,” he suggested. The club was now packed and sweltering hot.
He guided me up the stairs to the bar’s rooftop lounge, found me a place to sit, and grabbed a few tall glasses of water from the bar. I sipped mine, the cool breeze providing some relief.
“I know you hear this all the time,” he said, “but you are truly gorgeous. The other girls in there didn’t even compare to you.”
“I’m flattered,” I slurred, “but there were actual models and actresses in there.”
“So what? You’re just as beautiful as any of them.”
I smiled. It meant a lot coming from someone who could probably pull any girl he wanted.
He inched closer to me on the loveseat. “You’re drunk,” he said.
“I don’t go out a lot and when I do, I certainly don’t drink this much.”
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I bet I could get you to come back to my hotel room with me.”
“I don’t think so,” I said.
“Okay,” he said, starting another drink, “I bet you would take your top off for me though. You’re giving off a very Girls Gone Wild vibe at the moment.”
I recoiled. “I’m not like that.”
“You’re saying that you’ve never done anything a little crazy while drunk? Hell, I’m making a career out of doing that very thing. You’re saying you’ve never sent anyone a nude photo? Not even to a boyfriend?”
“I haven’t dated a lot,” I said, not liking where this conversation was going. For some reason, guys always seemed to think that I was a lot more experienced than I was.
“Really?” he asked, surprised. “When was the last time you kissed someone?”
I hesitated. “It’s been a while,” I said.
He looked even more intrigued. “When was the last time you had sex with someone?”
I cringed, taking a long drink of my water.
“Wait a second,” he said. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”
I gave a weak nod and he bit his lip to suppress a grin.
“Okay,” he said, clearly trying to make me feel better. “I can respect that.”
“Really?” I asked. “You don’t think I’m a freak?”
“Not at all,” he said, giving me a strange look.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked. I was certain that he thought I was weird.
“I was just thinking about how I want to kiss you right now.”
Before I could process what was happening, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. My reactions slowed by the drinks, he was kissing me before I even realized what was going on.
“I should probably go home,” I said, immediately stumbling over the chair.
“Let me walk you home,” he said. “You should probably try to sober up before you get there. I remember what living at home is like.”
Unsteady on my feet, I linked my arm through his and followed his lead down the street. He kept asking how I was feeling, probably afraid that I was going to be sick on him.
In reality, I felt pretty good. While I didn’t necessarily want an almost stranger kissing me, it had oddly felt really good. Maybe I was longing for something I didn’t know was missing from my life. It awakened something in me, a part of me that needed physical contact from another person.
“I had a really good time tonight, Natalie.”
“Me too.”
“Do you think we can hang out again?”
“As long as you don’t let me get this drunk.”
“Deal,” he laughed.
We got to the doorstep and I let go of his arm, afraid that he was going to kiss me again and that I was going to like it too much.
“Take off your shoes,” he instructed. “Easier to sneak inside that way.”
He held me steady as I kicked off my heels. At that moment, the light flicked on, and my dad swung open the door.
“Who are you?” he barked.
“Hi, Mr. Boyd,” he said cheerfully. “I’m Chris Taylor.”
My dad’s face went from concern to disgust. “Natalie,” he ordered, “get inside.”
I obeyed, giving Chris an apologetic look.
“If I ever catch you around my daughter again, you can kiss your career goodbye,” he said, slamming the door behind us.
“He was just walking me home,” I slurred, nearly losing my balance.
“Do you know who he is?” my dad asked.
“He’s a free agent trying out for the team here.”
“There’s more to Chris Taylor than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Go to bed, Natalie,” my dad said, exasperatedly. “We’ll talk about this later.”
I stumbled up to my room, fully intending on doing some research on my date. However, the second I flopped down on my bed, I fell asleep, still wearing the clothes I wore to the club.
The morning after the club, I woke up early, ready to go to the practice field and show the coach what I could do for his team. I went down to the hotel lobby and had some bacon and eggs, washing it down with a cup of coffee. Some guys couldn’t handle a late night out when there was practice in the morning, but I was a professional.
I ran drills with the receivers, throwing better than I had in months. I picked up their plays quickly and was able to make quick decisions using their playbook. It helped that the receivers caught everything thrown to them, making me look even better.
When the coach blew the whistle, we ran to the sideline for a water break. Some of the veterans who were at the club last night were really dragging ass. I was thankful that I could still perform the night after a rager.
“Taylor,” Jamarcus called over. “Isn’t that the chick you brought to the party last night?”
I looked up at the stands, and sure enough, Natalie was there, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt. I hardly recognized her because she was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, though her long ponytail gave her away.
“How did she get in here?” I asked.
“Isn’t she Russell Boyd’s daughter? She can do whatever she wants here. How did things go last night? Did you pull?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” I said.
“Bullshit,” a few guys said. They knew of my reputation.
“Okay, fine. I’ll spill. She’s a good girl,” I explained. “She’s the type of good girl that I usually don’t hang out with, if you know what I mean. We just kissed last night, but I’m willing to bet that by next weekend, I’ll have taught her a little thing or two.”
The guys whooped and hollered, patting me on the back. At the sound of this commotion, Natalie looked over, like she knew that I was talking about her.
I wasn’t exactly sure why she had come to this practice. Practices were generally not open to the public, and especially something like player tryouts, because they weren’t supposed to be common knowledge.
At the end of the practice, Coach told me to come back the next morning, and we’d have a practice with the whole team. He wanted to see how well I played when the defense was after me. I was excited to take on the challenge.
As I was changing clothes in the locker room, I couldn’t stop thinking about Natalie watching me play. She seemed like she had a fun time last night, but I couldn’t quite tell if she was into me. I was definitely into her though. I just wish I had gotten her number before I left her.
“Chris,” Natalie called to me as I exited the locker room.
“It’s nice to see you,” I said
. “But, what are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was really drunk and annoying, and I wanted to thank you for making sure I got home safely.”
“No problem. I had a good time last night.”
“Same,” she said, twirling her ponytail. “I also wanted to say sorry for how my dad treated you. He’s super overprotective of me. I’m not making excuses for his behavior, but that’s just how he is.”
I grimaced. It wasn’t the way I’d wanted to meet my hero. I understood his reaction, though. If he knew anything about me, he knew that I was bad for his innocent little girl.
“It’s okay,” I said, reassuringly. “No harm done.”
“Anyway,” she continued, “I came by because I thought I’d make it up to you. If you want, I can show you around the city. That way, if things work out and you move here, you’ll know where things are. Are you up for it?”
“That sounds really nice. Are you sure you don’t have anything better to do?”
“I don’t have class today. I’m all yours.”
“What do we do first?” I asked.
“Get in,” she said, unlocking her car. “Are you hungry?”
“You bet.”
She drove us to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant that served the best tacos. I made the mistake of trying to be a tough guy and loaded a chip with salsa before shoving it in my mouth. It was incredibly spicy, and she stifled a laugh while I tried to stop my eyes from watering.
When we were done with our short lunch, she took me to the beach, since it was one of her favorite places to go.
“I’ve been to the beach before,” I pointed out.
“Yes, but are your beaches like this?” she asked. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. The sky was clear, but the breeze from the ocean was cool. It was a little chilly for swimming, but there were still people lying out on the beach with their umbrellas and books. It was surprisingly quiet for a public place, which made it the perfect spot to sit and think. It was peaceful here.
“Fine, your beaches are better than mine,” I conceded.
She looked pleased with my assessment.